Reminder to Write to the Chairman of the RPI Presidential Search Committee

Dear RPI Alumni,

We are writing to again encourage you to send your thoughts and suggestions to John Kelly, chairman of RPI’s presidential search committee, if you have not done so already.

In response to several inquiries asking for the recommendations of Renew Rensselaer, we refer you to our Platform. Summarized below are four critical elements of our Platform which we believe are essential steps to be taken by a new administration together with the RPI trustees, in order to increase alumni engagement and financial support for the Institute. You may consider mentioning these as part of your letter:

  • emphasize and invest in improvement of undergraduate programs and facilities, RPI’s traditional core strength;
  • adopt and implement policies for shared governance, financial transparency and campus climate to strengthen the voice and input from faculty, students and alumni and to enhance the undergraduate experience;
  • reestablish the unique independence of the Rensselaer Union such that it is managed and run by students, and;
  • support and enable alumni to elect two members of the Board of Trustees through a process managed by the Rensselaer Alumni Association.

In addition, you should mention any specific policies or actions that are especially important to you, such as to support and foster a healthy Greek community.

With implementation of our recommendations, Renew Rensselaer stands ready to commit its resources to helping increase financial support by alumni for doubling of the endowment, which will be critical for RPI to remain competitive in its third century. Please write to the chairman of the search committee, John Kelly, with a copy to committee member Curtis Powell (see addresses below):

Dr. John E. Kelly III ’78G, ’80PhD
Executive Vice President
IBM Corporation
1 New Orchard Road
Armonk, NY 10504

Curtis Powell
VP, Human Resources
Gurley Building 217
110 8th Street
Troy, NY 12180

Renew Rensselaer